HE U1 L4 Secondary Positions Lesson Plan
Hotel English
Lesson 4: Optional Hotel Positions
Task | Description | Time |
Objectives | Students will learn about the jobs and responsibilities of secondary, or optional, hotel positions such as event planner, maitre’d, and food and beverage manager Students will learn about how these positions enhance hospitality services, and what they provide for guests | |
Materials | Notebooks and pen/pencil Computer with PPT access Bingo! Cards for each student Small candies for playing Bingo! | |
Vocabulary | Event planner, food and beverage manager, waitstaff, chef, manage, communicate, organize | |
Anticipatory | Students will write their response to the following scenario in their notebook, and be ready to share their answer with the class: You are getting married! You want your wedding and your party to be at a fancy hotel. Who do you talk to about making plans for rooms, the meal, decorations, and anything else you would like? | 5 min |
Lecture | The instructor will guide students through the English names, jobs, and responsibilities of optional hospitality staff and their roles in working for guests. | 10 min |
Activity | Students will engage in answering questions based on the activity title, “What’s my job?” Students will play the review game, Bingo! | 5 min |
Assessment | Students will play the review game, Bingo! The game will work to reinforce key vocabulary terms from the day’s lesson as well as previous lessons, and help students discern between the jobs of each person in the hotel industry. | 20 min |